Thursday, March 23, 2023

These Are the Days of Our Lives - week 12

March 19, Sunday

After a rather short sleep, the wife comes home from her 12-4 shift and visiting her Mom next door who came home today, with Lolo the kitty welcoming her back.  Janice and me chat a lot, as we plan on hitting the gym for machine Shack Day.  A restaurant called An's, where the old, old Dairy Queen used to be on Mountain Road, caught fire last night, pretty much in Alexandra's backyard.  But she and Cole are safe and sound.  *  We watch Question Period and Jen Psaki's new show on PVR.  Pretty interesting, but nothing groundbreaking to report.  Although the big word is right now that Trump is going to be arrested and indicted possibly Tuesday.  If there's any justice in the world at all...  *  Off to PF we go, starting off on a one mile trek on the steepest incline for me, while Janice walked a bit further.  We hit the machines for the back and shoulders workout - this time I brought a book with me to record what we've done, to keep track of it all.  We did 8 exercises in that area altogether, then Janice hit the treadmill again while I took on machine Leg Day, since she can't do it due to her knee issues.  I did seven machine exercises in that area, as well as 50 squats with a 50 lb preset barbell on my shoulders, as the squat racks were all busy.  Then did a bunch of double leg raises on the floor for the belly, some planks, and serious stretching, before rejoining Janice on the treadmill, where she motored along to do well over six miles.  She did quite stellar on the workout in general today.  *  Three hours later, it was back home we go, where MMH was waiting for us.  After our showers, we partook in making Caesar salad and grilled Swiss cheese, to finish off both the lettuce and the cheese and bread that we had left, and Marbles got his chicken.  We watched the Seth Meyers episodes we had on PVR while we ate, plus W5 - which was about the hazing and bad behaviour going on in the kids' leagues, where one actually died with no one answering for it.  Man, hockey is getting quite the reputation in this country this past year or two.  *  Up to The Promised Land we head... then I had to head back downstairs and prepare Marbles' food which I forgot to do.  Then back upstairs, where we finally settle in for the night.  But not before I get a case of the runs.  It's left me feeling quite shaky and queasy, so I took Imodium and Gravol to try to quell it.  Now once again, I'm suspicious of that damned lettuce.  Even if it's Iceberg, it still might be screwing with my insides.  Or it might be the excess dairy with the grilled cheese.  Anyway, nothing major, just a friggin' nuisance.  *  And that's the kind of day it's been.

March 20, Monday

Farewell winter, good friggin' riddance!  *  So come to find out, once Janice came home and woke me up after a very off and on kind of sleep... she'd gone to PF after work to do cardio, since I wasn't up to it at all; and she wound up with the runs herself.  Waves of nausea came over her at work and then that happened later.  This is the second time in a row we got lettuce from Sobeys that made us both sick.  We did get it from Hardy's Produce in the middle of that and didn't have any issues.  Moral of the story, no more lettuce from Sobeys.  *  Like I said, being sick like that last night took the living starch out of me, combined with the Gravol hangover (grogginess).  I opted to take it easy for the day.  Janice came home and got horizontal with me and took it easy, and we just loafed and surfed the web, watched TV or whatever, with Marbles curled up with us.  It was a weird day to be sure.  We didn't know what to do about supper, so it wound up being a frozen Pad Thai dinner for Janice, while I had a toasted fried egg sandwich.  We watched the usual Monday night stuff - Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, later on Jimmy Kimmel, whatever.  Not a whole lot of notable stuff to report.  Although Trump could be arrested and indicted tomorrow, so all eyes are on that.  *  The wife is sound asleep beside me with MMH on her lap (yes, he did get his fine cigar), and I'm not tired at all, so I'm going to have to take oil and see if I can get droopy.  *  And that's the kind of day it's been.

March 21, Tuesday

March 23, Thursday

This depression/anxiety/PTSD battle is too much for me.  I'm closing this journal now.  There's no help to reach for, so I'm done reaching.  I'm not going to kill myself or anything.  I just had a dream my wife was trying to choke me to death.  What does a dream like that say?  Why would I dream stuff like this?  This is a very dark place.  I'm so tired of being a burden.  *  Over and out.

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