Friday, January 14, 2022

Christopher Nolan movie universe?

 Recently, 'Inception' was on one of the movie channels, and since there were no commercials - I won't watch a movie on network TV - I decided to watch it.  With subtitles/captions.  

I've been doing this lately, watching the more challenging shows with captions.  It was revelatory for me upon re-watching 'Star Trek Discovery' and 'Picard', so I decided to expand the horizons a little.  We watched 'Tenet' after having seen it twice, once in the theatre and once on streaming.  After seeing it in the theatre, I was left disappointed.  I thought it was a storytelling mess, albeit cosmetically a very well-put together one, and I scratched my head for a day or two and moved on.  

Seeing it then on streaming, I turned on the subtitles option and read along with the movie.  Holy crap, let me tell you, what a difference.  It's still confusing, but not confusing as hell, and it left me wanting to see it again.  This weekend, I'm going to do just that.  Add to this that we just re-watched 'Inception' the same way, and then I stumbled upon This Article that explains a whole lot about it, with links throughout that lead you to ponder a ton of things about the story.  One HUGE one being, could it be possible that 'Inception', 'Interstellar' and 'Tenet' connected?  Bloody hell man, I think they just might be.  

When seeing 'Inception' again last weekend, I felt like it was the first time I watched it.  And I've seen it at least ten times.  I can't begin to tell you how eye-opening it is to watch shows like this with subtitles; perhaps because your brain is processing both what it's hearing as well as reading.  There were several Eureka moments, both with that and 'Tenet'.  Now I'm going to have to watch 'Interstellar' for the umpteenth time - with pleasure - with subtitles too, to see what I may have missed there.  Plus, if you care to read the article mentioned, see what connections there may be to form what may be an imminent and gloriously well thought out potential Nolan-verse that would certainly compare to, possibly surpass, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (which, for me, is getting pretty bloated lately; though I'm stoked to see the new Spiderman installment).  

I've previously expressed that I was disappointed in 'Tenet', but it would be unfair to give up on this giant puzzle of a story without giving it a much closer look.  If this 'universe' becomes what it may look like it could, it'll be tough to match for any filmmaker around today.  I recommend not giving up on this puzzle if you still have all the pieces not yet placed.

Smooth Gravy

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