Sunday, January 15, 2023

These Are the Days of Our Lives.....Week 2

January 8

Colder today, with temps dipping to minus 6 C, but the sun was out.  No precip.  The clock has got to be ticking on a huge winter storm, right?  This is highly uncharacteristic for us here in Moncton.  We usually get clobbered by Old Man Winter starting around October or November at the latest, but we've only had one modest snowfall up to this point.  We're now just over two months from the official start of Spring, not that Mother Nature recognizes the change of seasons as according to the calendar these days.  I bet we'll get buried in snow by February.  *  I finished the book, "The Book of Joy" last night, and passed it on to Janice to read.  I keep saying it should be required reading, and I mean it.  I can't thank my nephew/BFAM Shawn enough.  I'm now currently halfway through Mima's "Always Be a Wolf", which I bought off Amazon for Kindle.  It's quite a daring story that sneaks up on you in places you don't expect.  *  Janice got up and headed off to work for noon to four, and I got up around one for my tattoo appointment at two.  I scarfed down a Drake's cake, sipped a Diet Cherry Coke and I was on my way.  The lovely and talented Ariana Avila is my tattoo artist, tasked with touching up my Irish Cross tattoo already on my breastbone, and applying a semicolon/ying-yang symbol on my right arm, with the words "Midnight is where the day begins" arched around it.  Finally, I got Janice's name in her own writing tattooed on my ring finger.  She did tremendous work!  Full stories about each tattoo are posted on my facebook and Instagram pages.  *  I got home after leaving the car for Janice at work, snacked on jalapeno and cheddar Doritos and finished my Diet Cherry Coke from this morning, and turned on the tube television.  I wound up watching a bit of WWE's NXT program that was on - a program I used to like before they changed everything about it.  It's not the same program it was at all now.  Disappointing.  *  Janice got home and we watched a few things on TV, not terribly notable, and resisted the urge to take a nap.  Eventually we got dressed for the gym, to embark on a cardio workout; I didn't want to do weights because of the tattoos that were still quite fresh, so I did a little over seven miles on the treadmill on a run/walk journey that lasted close to two hours; Janice, of course, was with me - the real reason I went, because I want to support her on her quest to do 20 miles a week.  She goes harder on the treadmill than I do, because she goes on the incline, pretty steep most of the time.  But she might have overdid it tonight, because she was very sore and took a fair bit of cannabis to alleviate the pain in her feet when it was done.  I feel guilty because I feel I may have pushed her too hard.  *  We got home and showered, and it was time for supper, this time being omelettes, each consisting of:  three eggs, crumbled bacon, Tex Mex cheese, chopped onion, Frank's Hot Sauce, garlic powder and pepper.  Let me say my piece about Gotham Steel cookware... I got a two pan set at Costco about a year ago.  It's not what I hoped it would be.  First of all, it's teflon, not ceramic.  Second, even when sprayed with olive oil Pam cooking spray, it is NOT non-stick.  But I would like to tell the manufacturer where they can 'stick' it.  I made the second omelette with actual olive oil and had better results, at least.  Served the omelettes with two toast each with a little margarine and a bit of strawberry jam, much to the delight of Janice who was effusive in her praise of the meal.  Tasty stuff.  We might've overdid it with the strawberry shortcake dessert from yesterday, though.  No regrets!  Yet at least.  *   Finished with a nightcap of Diet Vanilla Coke and rum and toasted Bishop Desmond Tutu, whose favorite drink was rum and Coke (note... I wrote previously that the Butter Rum Lifesavers flavor was with whiskey, when indeed it is not, it's with white rum).  Janice had her usual DCD/vodka.  *  We watched some of the "Big Bang Theory" marathon on TV, as they showed the final few episodes.  The finale is quite the bittersweet ending.  Then we watched CTV Question Period on DVR, the only thing I'll watch news-wise on CTV because they put the screws to Lisa LaFlamme.  They've got a new woman hosting QP, I forget her name and I'm too lazy to look it up - but she did a tremendous job.  She used to work for CBC News, I know that.  She didn't take any shit in an interview she did with Bill Morneau, the former finance minister for the Liberals that did arguably the worst job as finance minister in Canada since I've been following politics.  And that's saying something after the bumble-fest that was Jim Flaherty for the Harper regime before him.  Anyway, I look forward to more of her hosting the program.  *  Now we're upstairs, Marvelous Marbles Hagler is resting on my lap, the wife is ready to sleep after starting to read "The Book of Joy" and playing her nightly ritual games of Cookie Crush on facebook, and the party's over for another day.  *  And that's the kind of day it's been.

January 9

Well, I told myself I'm going to try to sleep and just do the journal in the morning, but here I am wide awake at 2:22, actually technically January 10.  I resolved to take cannabis oil for the first time this year tonight, with an eye on staying hydrated.  Being off of the oil has made me feel physically good, but jumpy and a bit anxious.  I just wish there was a strain of it that didn't make my body feel like the friggin' Sahara desert.  But, I will watch out for what I will now deem the Sandman, bringing the desert to my body.  So bugger off, Sandman!  *  Ah, just cracked open a can of Diet Canada Dry.  *  In the midst of my attempt to fall asleep... which I think I did for a half hour before BING my eyeballs saying Nope... I decided to take the advice from my "Book of Joy" and meditate and pray.  Wow, that did a lot for my jumpiness.  It helped ease my soul.  I prayed for a lot of people that are going through a lot of stuff.  I want to share here who some of them are, in case they're maybe reading this, to know that I'm putting in a good word for them with The Big Guy:  Darren E. and Tina, Emile B., Eldon H., Peter H., Wayne W. and Dee, Alan and Lisa C., May W., Patcy W., Martha H., Joan M, and others.  Each of those people need extra blessings in their lives due to the more adversity they're facing.  I also ask to bless all of their families, as well as my own siblings and their families, and all of my friends, even if some of them don't see themselves as a friend to me.  I pause after each name, attempting to put myself in each of their individual places with their own unique situations, to feel and understand more of what they're going through.  The peace it brings me is like gold.  *  So yeah... I guess a few people are actually reading this maybe, eh?  I don't expect people to read it, but when I know they do, I must offer my thanks.  You took time out of your own lives to reflect on mine.  Thank you!  I am grateful and humbled.  *  So... on this Monday, it started out before the crack of dawn with me getting up to go to the bathroom.  I noticed I was in a cold sweat, with my new tattoos 'leaking' a bit because they're still healing - that winds up making my night shirt a bit of a mess, but I knew it would happen till my tatts heal.  Anyway, "geez, I'm feeling crampy."  I decided it's time to drop anchor and take a shit.  Whoa... I did enough to say I took the Browns to the Super Bowl and then some.  I was dizzy and for a bit, thought I was gonna woof my cookies.  What the hell brought this on, I thought.  I'm taking extra good care of myself lately, so wtf??  So I'm crapping my brains out, and finally go back to bed, stumbling a bit.  That took a lot out of me.  In more ways than one.  My shirt is soaked, my pillow's wet... so I just laid here deep breathing, and in about an hour, it passed.  The dizziness, anyway.  *  Since I didn't sleep, I just thought I'd stay awake and make sure she got up, because she went through pretty much the same thing before she went to bed.  That made me think something's up.  With her due in at work at 9am, at 8:30 I wake her up.  "Wake up, dear.  Wake up.  Dear?  Janice, get up.  HEY!"  *  "Uh?"  *  "You gotta go to work."  *  "No I don't.  It's Sunday morning."  *"No, it's not."  *  "Yes it is."  *  "No, it's NOT."  *  "Yes.  It IS."  *  "Then why did we watch Question Period yesterday?"  *  "..... oh shit I'm gonna be late!"  *   She wasn't.  She felt improved, but not 100%.  We've both gone to work feeling sick like this a lot of times.  I told her not to call the doctor to call me because I didn't sleep most of the night and I'm gonna sleep during the day.  She's off to work, and the shutters close and try to sleep.  Nope.  No friggin' way.  I kept the TV off, and just farted around online, waiting to get tired enough to keep my eyes shut.  I did sleep... maybe a half hour.  Janice comes home and crawls in bed with me, being pretty wiped out.  We both wound up sleeping for maybe an hour, and she decides she wants to go to the gym.  (!)  She goes and does over three miles of cardio before she realizes she's about to crap her drawers if she doesn't get home.  At this point both of us feel fine tummy wise, it's the residuals from the bottom end that are pissing us off.  Or shtting us off in this case.  We're both famished, so we indulged in chicken burgers from Popeyes.  Lord, their food is good.  Then we watched whatever on TV.  I was totally wiped out from the night before and not sleeping, but you think I can get to sleep??  *  Anyway, I did some research on whether there might be something wrong with the veggies we had last night in our omelettes.  I was suspicious of the onions we had, because spanish onions seems to be taking advice from Romaine lettuce and just be bitches to us humans.  Sure enough, there was a recall in late November on spanish onions.  Why it isn't made more public, I don't know.  And why the product is still available to begin with , makes me know way less than that.  Salmonella and/or listeria could be in them, the article read.  Why is this not in the news??  Well, we wound up with one of those bad batches.  *  Marbles had his chicken meatstick treat, nearly taking one of my fingers with it, and attempts to sleep begin at 11:30.  She's sound asleep, that's the most important thing.  I'm often up at night, and I keep an eye on her if she's snoring or kinked or having a bad dream or something.  The odd time Marbles mistakes her for a trampoline.  *  Through the course of writing this journal, I took pot oil.  Not sure if you can tell or not it's hitting me.  *  That's the kind of day it's been.

January 10

This will be a short entry because it was so uneventful, but that's okay, that just means no bad stuff happened.  And that's accurate.  *  The temps dipped down to minus 6 with some flurries, and into the minus teens at nighttime, enough for the oil heat to kick in, which has to happen because if it doesn't, the pipes will freeze up.  All good, the heat pump is still doing great for us.  *  Sleep was indeed a bit of a challenge yet again last night, so sleep during the day was rather necessary, and choppy, at that.  Janice is sleeping just fine, though.  And that's the most important thing.  I did get enough sleep to function... barely.  I don't want to take cannabis oil every single night anymore, but when I do take it, it'll work well and bring on the euphoria, which is very nice if I'm being honest.  But not taking the stuff and having absolutely no withdrawals from it is proof positive that this stuff is not addictive like narcotics are.  And I refuse to call cannabis a narcotic.  It's a friggin' plant.  *  Janice occasionally gets free pizza coupons at her work from a Dominos guy who expresses to her how much he appreciates her service.  She gets this a lot from very many of her clients, proof that she and Lexy are the best at what they do.  We used two of these small pizza coupons for dinner tonight, after deciding that the gym was a no-go because the crowd meter on the app indicated the gym was pretty much full, and neither of us like going when it's stupidly busy.  Really, PF needs to open another place around here, because this one's filling up big time - although I'm aware that the New Year's resolution crowd is out in full force and will thin out eventually.  *  There's this commercial for Head and Shoulders shampoo that shows guys showering and singing in low tones, "how deep in my scalp does it gooooooo...."  I go and imitate that and Janice comes in with her own attempt at baritone to hilarious results that cracks me up every time!  *  She started reading "The Book of Joy", and I turned the news off because it's been so boring lately, and watched AEW Dark online on YouTube.  It's basically a show where the jobbers learn their craft, so it's not exactly ready for prime time, hence being online and not on TV.  But the real news of the wrestling world now is the rumor of Vince McMahon selling WWE to the Saudis.  This has been my problem with WWE for years now, that they're getting too cozy with MBS and his creeptards.  I would venture to say that a lot of wrestlers are going to leave WWE over this IF it happens, and fans in droves.  That they hold their annual "Crown Jewel" pay per views there every year was enough for me to say 'enough'.  This might be the final nail in the coffin with others.  I hope it is.  *  Marvelous Marbles Hagler got his salmon meatstick for his nighttime snack, and it's time for the three of us to retire.  *  And that's the kind of day it's been.

January 11

Ir was chilly today, minus 6 during the day and dipping to the minus mid teens tonight.  No precip, but apparently there's some on the way.  This continues to be a very uneventful January; the only unusual thing is that we're not getting way more snow than we have.  All winter so far, we've only gotten one real 'storm', but not so much by our standards.  And I'm fine with it.  *  So wow... I think I got something like twelve hours of sleep last night.  I didn't get much the night before, so I think I'm balanced now, at least I hope!  I woke up a few times, mostly from bizarre dreams.  I dream a lot about Emmerson Street, where I grew up and lived for 27 years.  Sometimes I dream of my parents, but they're not vivid dreams like ones I had a long time ago, where there were a couple of times where they felt so real, that one time Janice saw me sitting on the edge of the bed having a conversation.  The dream was me talking to my Mom, where she was telling me she's okay, and she has to go now.  I had another one like that about my Dad years later.  I woke up crying, they were that vivid.  *  Anyhow, I wound up waking up around two in the aft, roughly, so I got online and just killed time until Janice came home.  I chatted briefly with Michelle D., and we reminisced about her Dad for a bit.  Her Dad became one of my dear friends in life, and indeed even much like a Dad of my own.  He passed a couple of years ago, sadly, and we miss the guy a lot.  I even shed tears at Christmas thinking of him, because there are a lot of holiday memories with him and Carol, Michelle's Mom, also a tremendously sweet lady.  *  So, Janice came home, and we went to Ford's Apothecary to ask about getting something non toxic for my thrush issues, seeing as taking something like Diflucan is dangerous because of its interaction with Zoloft.  They gave me something that starts with a B that I forget right now, an anti-fungal probiotic that I have to take twice a day for awhile.  Hopefully it does the trick.  *  Then we were off to the gym.  PF was busy, with the countless treadmills almost entirely occupied, so we had to wait a few minutes to get a couple.  We did our usual 25 minutes-ish, burning cals going way uphill, then hit the machines for machine chest and arms day, or Charms as we call it.  Man, we put ourselves through the wringer on that today.  I decided we push ourselves this time and do trade-off drop sets, where we do, say, a chest press, starting with the lowest weight and higher reps, and advance over three sets to heavier and less reps.  We made a good go of it, that's for sure.  Did some brief stretching, then back on the treadmill for another 25, where Janice actually got on earlier for over 30 going uphill, while I did 25 alternating every minute between walking at 4 mph and a light run at 5 mph.  *  We got home and I immediately lit up the barbecue on the deck for a steak that I marinated overnight.  Took our showers, then I got the meat on the grill and prepared some mashed carrots and cooked fries in the oven.  We had drinks in a rum and Vanilla Coke Zero for me, and Janice had a couple of DCD/vodkas.  Kinda nice having barbecued steak in the wintertime like that.  *  We tuned in to AEW Dynamite on TV, as per usual Wednesday nights.  What a friggin' program they put on!  The sold out LA Forum was absolutely lit for the show.  Adam Cole finally returned from his concussion issues after six months to thunderous applause.  He even got a bit teary eyed acknowledging the support from fans.  The way AEW is setting up the eventual pay per view match between MJF and Bryan Danielson is fantastic.  Both guys are superstars in the most literal form of the adjective.  MJF being a wonder on the mic, and Danielson being the best in the ring in the world.  *  Also with wrestling, WWE is denying that they made a deal with the Saudis to sell their business to them so they can take it private.  No one knows what's really going on fully, but it sure looks like Vince McMahon and his cronies are doing damage control after the severe blowback about the possibility.  I stopped watching WWE because of their cozyness with the Saudis years ago.  *  Sadly, Jeff Beck died today.  I wasn't a huge fan, but very much respected his work with The Yardbirds, Rod Stewart and countless others.  A real sad day for guitar fans.  *  Upstairs we go, and Janice read some more of The Book of Joy, and here I am typing the final few characters for this entry.  Marvelous Marbles Hagler got his meatstick fed to him by Janice this time tonight, and he's all curled up on my lap now, and it's just about time for lights out.  *  And that's the kind of day it's been.

January 12

Today, Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis' only daughter, died, and so did Robbie Bachman, drummer for the legendary Bachman Turner Overdrive.  Sadly, I think Bachman's death is going to be overshadowed by Presley's death.  So many of my generation's celebrities seem to be leaving us recently.  *  Temps were pretty middling today, cold but not biting cold.  Something like around minus 6, but no notable precip.  A storm system's on the way for the weekend, but if my fave Cindy Day is right, as she pretty well always is, we'll get some snow that won't last at all because the temps will rise, maybe even to double digits.  What a weird winter this is.  *  I'm actually writing this around 8:30 on Friday morning, as I was tired last night and I wanted to take the opportunity of that tiredness and try to sleep.  I think I fell asleep around 2:30-ish, which is pretty good for me.  Janice seemed to sleep really well.  *  I slept okay, I guess.  Maybe not a lot in the night, but made up for it in the morning.  It was tough actually getting to sleep, so I had to take oil to give me a bit of a boost to pass out, and of course, it worked.  I went through several bottles of PC Raspberry flavored spring water, to make sure I didn't get dehydrated, as I'm acutely aware of that now.  I took to reading a lot of a book an old friend of mine wrote, and I'm almost finished.  I don't think she likes me much these days, because, well I guess I'm just a jerk.  This morning I woke up crying actually, dreaming about being deserted by everyone - I dreamt I was walking around the empty neighbourhood with a donkey for whatever reason.  I laid on the side by the curb, and I was actually consoling the donkey as it laid by my side.  What that means I have no idea!  But I remember leaving my old house, the great 136, because I think I pissed somebody off, so I walked up the street to Green Gables, which isn't there anymore, in the rain and picked up some snacks.  I think I dreamed this part because I talked to my friend Michelle D about the old days, maybe the rain means it's melancholy.  So I left the store, it was then twilight outside like it usually is in my dreams, and walked down Butler Street, next to Emmerson, so I could see the back of my old house and who was there.  My car was there, but I think I let my brother Pete use it, and it was gone when I turned the corner, and the house became empty.  There was a ballgame going on at Kiwanis Park, and somebody hit a foul ball to the parking lot, and it came to me as kids chased it and tried to get it.  When I was a kid, I used to get paid two bucks a game to retrieve baseballs that were hit away from the park (that's a better description to me than 'chasing balls').  So I got this ball, and a few kids surrounded me wanting it, and I walked with the ball towards the park to give it back, figuring out which kid was the retriever so he could do his job, and walked away.  I don't expect this to make sense to anyone reading this.  It doesn't make much sense to me!  I walked away from the parking lot, glancing over at 136, and proceeded to Lockhart Avenue, the next street over, and met up with this donkey, who I wound up striking a conversation with, and like I said, the both of us laid down by the curb and cried together as I stroked his head to console him.  Then I myself woke up in tears.  There's an old friend of mine, a girl, who used to kind of ridiculed me for talking about my dreams a lot, but I always have to wonder what they're trying to tell us.  That friend seems to be gone from my life, too.  The dreams are almost always about desertion, people leaving my life.  I'm tearing up right now just writing about it.  Really, I think I've been an asshole for a lot of my life and I'm just getting what I've always deserved.  It's amazing I still have Janice, but my dreams tell me that she'll leave me too.  I haven't self-harmed in well over five months, and I almost wonder if my brain is telling me that I should be doing it, because it's what I deserve.  The impulses come and go.  I won't!  I'm doing so well, and all that does is hurt others around me - those who are left, anyway, namely my wife and daughter.  I have absolutely nowhere to turn to address these mental illness issues, so I guess the desertion dreams kind of reflect that.  I'm basically on my own.  *  So yeah, Thursday... Janice came home after work, as usual, and munches on some sesame snaps that she loves, I had a waffle, and we got dressed for the gym.  I talked to my brother Rick's fiancee May for a bit, and she told me Rick brought over cinnamon rolls from this local baker lady.  Were they ever great!  Janice and me each ate two of them.  What a kind gesture from them.  *  We kept an eye on the crowd meter that's on the PF app to see how busy it is at the gym before going, so we just hung out and talked for awhile, finally leaving to go around 7:30pm.  Today would be freeweights Shack day.  The gym was so full; we did our opening 25 minutes of cardio, then walked around looking for room to start our weights.  We had to find other things to do until it cleared up a little bit, so we did some ab stuff first.  Then started our Shack workout, which got interrupted because it was so busy, so we went back on the treadmill for a bit, then back to finish the workout - and back on the treadmill to complete it.  We wound up being there two and a half hours.  Treadmill-wise, we wound up doing over four miles each, which is good for Janice, because she has a goal she wants to reach on the year, distance-wise.  *  After a rather gruelling Shack workout, we got home, showered, and I proceeded to make supper, consisting of scrambled eggs, baked sausages basted in maple syrup, and toast.  Pretty awesome, really.  Then it was off to bed where we had to stay awake for a bit because we ate late.  We fell asleep well enough, without oil for me even, and the rest after that I talked about.  Marvelous Marbles Hagler got his freeze dried chicken snacks for bedtime, and he settled in with us for the night.  *  If anyone's reading this, I just want to say, be kind to each other, because you really don't know what people are going through.  You really don't.  *  And that's the kind of day it was.

January 13

Snow today!  Hardly though.  Some fell, but most pretty well melted as the temps rose to nearly plus 10.  It was enough to cancel school and halt mail, though, weirdly.  I'll spare the journal of the 'back in my day' claims.  *  I spent a lot of the morning and aft 'camping' with Marvelous Marbles Hagler - that being, he crawls under the covers with me and curls up by my belly and sleeps with me.  Like Crocky the cat before him, I just have to say "you wanna go camping?" and he's on his way.  He's such a sweet little guy.  *  Janice came home from work and we chatted a lot, and she brought home some Amazon deliveries for me; some more Yuedge socks, an external CD disk drive and a set of three weird brushes that I never ordered.  That's what they sent instead of vegetable peelers.  Kinda hard to peel vegetables with a brush.  *  Janice had a bit of a snooze, I farted around online while she did, and we resolved to have Subway tonight after we got home from the gym.  We did half of that.  We went to the gym for over two and a half hours for a gruelling Leg Day, complete with around four miles each in cardio, and Janice squatted a personal best 115 lbs.  Considering everything against her, including being 55 and numerous arthritis maladies and fibro, that's stunning progress.  The gym was shallow in traffic tonight, so that's nice, but we left at around 10:45 pm.  *  Off to Subway we go for our dinner.  Nope... closed.  All of them.  So were most restaurants.  Since when did Moncton shut down before 11 on a Friday night??  Like what the actual hell?  The contingency plan was to go home and figure it out.  *  We showered and got ready to cook.  I wound up choosing creamed peas on toast again, this time with cream of mushroom and garlic soup, and lots of peas - I ate the whole friggin' thing.  Pretty awesome!  Janice opted to cut up some red bell peppers and dip them in ranch dressing and have some Stove Top stuffing.  Unorthodox, but blame Subway for screwing off so bloody early.  We enjoyed what we had anyway.  We had our usual DCD/vodka and I opted this time for Coke Vanilla Zero/Crown Royal.  And thus was reminded how much Jack Daniels sucks.  *  I chatted a bit with our friend Kelly via messenger, as well as Tim and Wayne.  Wayne's other half Dee successfully completed chemo for breast cancer, such wonderful news!  And Kelly's hubby also completed radiation therapy for prostate cancer.  These are brave, strong folks and I'm happy and proud of the war they waged against that damned 'C' word.  I'm also proud of Kelly and Wayne for standing behind their spouses.  Prayers answered, as far as I'm concerned.  Meanwhile, big Tim is recovering mightily from shoulder surgery he had just weeks ago.  He's flying all over the world pretty much for work, so no real downtime for him - he's a better man than me.  *  We watched CBC Marketplace and fully realized how much Canada is ripped off in the cell phone market, with ridiculous air time prices and even worse for data.  I refuse to buy data or go on any kind of plan except for pay-as-you-go, as does Janice.  We each pay $25/month and rely on free WiFi wherever it's available, even though I hardly ever carry a phone with me anyway.  I find it amazing how many people have become so attached and dependent on cell phones.  I will never become that needy for those things, I just think air time and data are a rip off - but, to each their own, I guess.  *  On tap for Saturday, perhaps Charms day at the gym, and Janice is off with Alexandra and Cole to a staff party while I hunker down here at home.  I'll probably bang on my electric drums to songs I have to learn to jam with a couple of friends sometime this month.  The staff party is actually the Christmas party, and they're going to ... Hitachi Grill or something?  Can't remember.  This is an annual thing and I never go because of the whole crowd thing, and restaurants are generally a turn-off for me.  So I wind up getting pizza for myself while they go out.  *  Anyway, that's the kind of day it's been.

January 14

Today was funky weatherwise.  Snow, rain, freezing rain, but none of it amounted to very much.  Although it's not a good day to drive for a living.  Temperatures are there for there to be precipitation, so that much is tolerable.  *  We woke up a few times in the morning, but got back to sleep soon enough.  But there was nothing on the agenda today, as we took a day off from the gym, seeing as our legs are so freakin' sore from yesterday.  Therefore, we were just honestly plain out lazy today.  *  As we were about to head out, Martha, Janice's Mom, flagged me down and had me go over to get a container of apple pie she just made.  I had no problem with that!  It was a sweet little gesture on her part, and her pies are incomparable.  We went out to Wal Mart to get munchies, something crunchy and salty for the odd craving.  But we made the mistake of going there hungry, so came back with probably way too much.  After Wal Mart, we go to Dominos to get a pizza for me, then to pick up CoLex at their place, and they all drop me off at home, while Janice takes the car with the other two to go to their staff party.  *  Then I get home, with the ideas of playing around with my electric drums, but lazed out and instead watched TV and did a bit of laundry.  First I started watching 'Black Adam' - I got through about a half hour of that before I said I'd had enough.  The I gave 'Wednesday' on Netflix a try.  I see why it's garnered attention, and it's well made and everything, but I just don't think it's for me. *  Janice gets home with some booty from the party; a bluetooth speaker and a pair of wireless earbud type thingies.  Pretty good value to that stuff for door prizes.  I guess they all enjoyed their dinner at the Osaka Hibachi restaurant that hosted the party.  You may see pictures for that on Janice's facebook.  *  We saw some 'Big Bang Theory', as we do basically every day, and headed upstairs to watch the beginning of the 'Battlestar Galactica' reboot series.  I have to say... it's been around 20 years since it was first released.  I saw it very differently at my age now than I did then, presumably because in those 20 years, the world turned me into a different person than I was, with a different outlook and everything.  So I found it fascinating how I perceived it now compared to then, even though my general view of it is basically the same.  We watched it with captions on, so maybe it made us pay closer attention to the dialogue and the story.  Here's the thing about that series... it's not futuristic.  The reason being, is that it takes place in a different part of the universe with a solar system nearly identical with evolution to us here on Earth.  Their existence throughout the series is questioned as to their origins.  It asks the question, can things possibly be cyclical?  Eventually the show states, "all of this has happened before... all of this will happen again."  If there are planets out there with a gaseous cover to them, is it possible that inhabitants of that planet annihilated themselves with WMDs, leaving nothing on the surface but what WE just might have if we annihilate ourselves similarly?  The universe has existed for at least billions of years... what if there was no beginning?  If we can imagine eternity, then what about eternity behind the present, and not just ahead of it?  At least, the present as we know it.  Anyway, watching BSG is fascinating, because it's long-form storytelling, meaning that it's answering questions as you watch it without asking the question yet.  In other words, it's rich in rewards of repeat watching.  Both Janice and me were blown away by how much we felt watching the first disc tonight.  And the visuals and dialogue and acting all hold up absolutely incredibly.  In fact, since it's aired back in the early '00s, I think filmmakers are still catching up to a lot of it.  It portrays the military incredibly accurately, and questions what could go very wrong the more we depend on technology.  And there are NO aliens.  Ever.  *  Wow, went on quite a rave there eh?  *  It's been a peaceful Saturday, and it's back to the gym tomorrow for freeweights Charms day.  Janice is off too.  *  And that's what kind of week it was.

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