Thursday, April 16, 2009


busy day today at work, after a moderately good night of sleep; work was very steady; janice worked a day shift till 3 before she walked lexy to edith cavell school for a wrestling meet, at which i joined them after work, where alexandra won silver for her weight division against opponents that were all bigger than her - janice and me are two extremely proud parents.  courtney, lexy's friend, also won silver in her division.  the meet was l o n g... about five hours, even though our kid only fought twice... came home after that around 9 and cooked spaghetti and garlic bread, for the first time since before lent when we swore off red meat; watched 'survivor' and then 'iron man' on the movie network... after a quite long day it's just about bedtime.  on deck:  alexandra's got her 'thinkfast' activity tomorrow at church for the overnight with father carroll and other church folks and kids, janice and me have day shifts.

Janice says:

Well it was long, but she won silver and it was earned.  I am talking about the wrestling meet that Lex and Court had today.  We are very proud... I am tired.  I was at work all day and then at the school all evening.  It makes for a long day.  Tomorrow night Lex will be at the church for the thinkfast retreat and I think Mike and I will catch up on sleep.  Six more days till junior becomes a teen.  I can not believe it!  She has grown up so fast.  We will be celebrating her birthday the following weekend though in light of the busy weekend already.  Not much else new to talk about today so I will bid you good night.


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