spent the entire daylight hours by myself today, as janice took lexy and courtney to a wrestling tournament in riverview; courtney won a gold and lex a bronze, with courtney getting a by in one match and a forfeit in another; lex got a hard fought 3rd though i guess; janice says the tournament was very poorly put together... i decided to take to the outdoors and walked to champlain mall and back; by the time i got home, the ladies were finally back (the girls actually went to the 'y'), and then we all went to dawn's sdm to shop and collect some points, and then promptly headed out to a highway to get a good look at the space station flying overhead, which the girls were quite amazed at... i put together some homemade fries and we all had poutine for supper; my mouth has been bothering me all flippin' day, and there just seems to be no end in sight for this pain brought on by the absence of that wisdom tooth. on deck: janice is on host duty tomorrow at church, we're going to 'watchmen' one more time with cindy, lex has some school stuff to take care of before 'tar' hits the airwaves. rest and relaxation is in order if i hope to get rid of this oral trouble.
Janice says:
To say the tournament was organized would be a massive understatement. I have been to Master Chung's TKD tournaments and they are notoriously very unorganized but this was really bad. I was very impressed at how Lexy did and even though she thinks she did bad she really did good. She had really tough opponents for every one of her matches. Lexy lost the first match, the second one she won and the last one she lost. She did very well and never gave up. Courtney is here again tonight and Lisa will be picking her up at around 5pm.I have kept them very busy since we have had courtney over. The two ladies keep each other very good company and I hope that they stay friends for a long time to come. Mike is having a really tough time with his mouth and I really wish I could do something for him. I know that it takes time but wow I wish it would hurry for him. Well the little ladies are about to pass out and it is time to hit the sheets. Night all.
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