Monday, March 30, 2009


typing this in a bit earlier as janice heats up soup for me downstairs and i lie in bed; got out of bed today with tremendous pain in my mouth and took a shower letting warm water run on my face; helped a little... went to work and got a call from janice, who made an appointment for me to see the orthodondist again, my favorite place in the whole world; went in and they told me i had dry socket, a condition that happens when adult teeth are removed and the blood clot goes missing, exposing nerves and bone - doesn't tickle, i can attest; sprayed some kind of extremely gross tasting medicated dressing after cleaning out the wound and gave me heavy duty ibuprofen-like meds which, ironically, you have to take with food, which is next to impossible for me to do lately... very stormy day outside all day, even to this minute, with cancellations all over; lots and lots of heavy, goopy snow; people at work opted to go home early even though i didn't... came home and went to bed to try to sleep off some of the pain; janice came home after a 11 hour shift again and now we're about to eat, or in my case try to; lex had school cancelled today and babysat courtney and her brother.  on deck:  hopefully recovery.

Janice says:

Well Mike finally got into the orthodontist about his mouth and got a diagnosis of dry socket. I have no idea how painful that is but I know that I never want it after seeing Mike go through what he has in the past week. Lexy has a few projects due tomorrow. I am sure she has them done but I am not so sure about the end product on her oral presentation on the environment. She has to give a three minute speech and she can not read from paper. She is allowed to have a cue card but that is it. It was another long day at work again.  I was ok with it because I got to close the post office at 7:00 pm instead of 9;00 pm. Lets see how much of the white shit will be out there tomorrow. I am so tired of seeing snow. I want summer now. Well i am ready for bed as I type this and I am some tired and i know it will not take me long to fall asleep. So good night.


Sunday, March 29, 2009


slept in this morning right through to noon hour; janice allowed me to sleep in while the kids stayed home and she went to church to do host duty; she took the opportunity to let me try to sleep off the pain in my mouth after last night i got very frustrated and began losing my temper over it... the kids went to the 'y' today while janice and me went to costco and got turnovers, poppycock and saw palmetto along with supper for ourselves in the form of fries and chicken fingers, janice got a poutine... lex and court went to lisa's (courtney's mom) while janice, our pal cindy and me went to see 'watchmen' one more time at crystal palace, probably the most uncomfortable movie theatres on earth; but what great movie... picked up lexy and came home and now we're in bed watching the news.  on deck:  another snowstorm, a possible visit to the orthodondist because the pain in my mouth is not getting better at all, work and janice possibly working all day again.

Janice says:

Well another snow storm. WHAT A DEPRESSING THOUGHT. we have two nice days and then they tell us we could get 20 centimeters of white shit. It will probably be another snow day for kids I guess. Lexy and Court had the weekend together and now we get down to business with school work. I may be working a long day as Mike has said, we will see. I will be waiting for a call from the dentist tomorrow for Mike. He is having a tough time and I will get to the bottom of it. Time to hit the sheets.


Saturday, March 28, 2009


spent the entire daylight hours by myself today, as janice took lexy and courtney to a wrestling tournament in riverview; courtney won a gold and lex a bronze, with courtney getting a by in one match and a forfeit in another; lex got a hard fought 3rd though i guess; janice says the tournament was very poorly put together... i decided to take to the outdoors and walked to champlain mall and back; by the time i got home, the ladies were finally back (the girls actually went to the 'y'), and then we all went to dawn's sdm to shop and collect some points, and then promptly headed out to a highway to get a good look at the space station flying overhead, which the girls were quite amazed at... i put together some homemade fries and we all had poutine for supper; my mouth has been bothering me all flippin' day, and there just seems to be no end in sight for this pain brought on by the absence of that wisdom tooth.  on deck:  janice is on host duty tomorrow at church, we're going to 'watchmen' one more time with cindy, lex has some school stuff to take care of before 'tar' hits the airwaves.  rest and relaxation is in order if i hope to get rid of this oral trouble.

Janice says:

To say the tournament was organized would be a massive understatement. I have been to Master Chung's  TKD tournaments and they are notoriously very unorganized but this was really bad. I  was very impressed at how Lexy did and even though she thinks she did bad she really  did good. She had really tough opponents for every one of her matches. Lexy  lost the first match, the second one she won and the last one she lost. She did very well and never gave up. Courtney is here again tonight and Lisa will be picking her up at around 5pm.I have kept them very busy since we have had courtney over. The two ladies  keep each other very good company and I hope that they stay friends for a long time to come. Mike is having a really tough time with his mouth and I really wish I could do something for him. I know that it takes time but wow I wish it would hurry for him. Well  the little  ladies are about to pass out and it is time to hit the sheets. Night all.



Janice says:

Well another day has passed and Mike is still  having a bit of trouble with his mouth. I wish I could help. I can not do anything and I feel bad. I brought lex and court to the y tonight for soccer and swimming. I had a hard time getting them out of the pool. On deck tomorrow is a wrestling tournament. Cross your fingers that our ladies do well. I will let you know how things work out for them  tomorrow. Night all.

mike says:

was a trying time getting out of bed this morning, where i woke up overnight a few times from the pain in my mouth; made for a rough time at work, especially as the hours wore on; took lots of tylenol 3 and advil... got home from work and went to bed, janice let me pass out for a solid three hours; when i woke up, i sat up and the pain in my mouth roared right back to killer levels; applied ice and it calmed down... went to the grocery store with the wife and got a few things, focusing on getting the kids some stuff for their tournament tomorrow; we got a mccain pizza that was quite amazing for supper for us, the kids had chicken fingers and fries... before bed, rinse my mouth out with a syringe in the area where the tooth was taken out, and was stunned to find how much crap was in there; could be the reason for a lot, or all, of the pain; i'm going to do it regularly now... 'iron man' is on tv as i type this, the wife is passing out, and it's nearly time to call it a day.  on deck:  the little ladies have their wrestling tournament, courtney will be staying here again tomorrow night if she's allowed, and we have some 20x the points shopping to do at dawn's sdm.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


went to work this morning with a sore mouth, but needing a paycheck, so brought meds with me and janice headed off to work too, and lex to school... fairly busy day; lots of people asking me how i was; most with their 'that's nothing' stories (i.e. after asking me how it went, reply "that's nothing!  i had teeth pulled once that were so big..."); mouth is healing slowly but surely, but has its moments, like at the moment i type this actually; tylenol 3 has to be taken semi-regularly... went to parent-teacher interviews with janice and lex in tow; our kid is doing okay but much room for improvement, namely with assignments on time and owning up to her lack of efforts... supper tonight was consisting of honey garlic wings and rice, tasty but kind of messy.  on deck:  alexandra's friend courtney will be here staying over, janice and me work, we'll see what else.

Janice says:  

Well i am glad to see that the day is over and one more day for the weekend. I can not wait. I must say i thought it would be a much different kind of parent  and teacher interview than it was. I now know the whole story as to what is going on and we know what to do to fix things. I went back to work for a few hours tonight and closed up.  I had to do a split shift because of the dentist and parent and teachers meetings. All in all a fair day. Mike seems to be on the mend quite nicely. He is still really sore but that happens when you have your jaw sawed. I am in pain just saying that. I guess thats  it for tonight and will post tomorrow night. Goodnight all.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


today i stayed home from work, the pain in my mouth is a little bit much to have to go running around all day and have my pulse beating through the gaping hole where my wisdom tooth was; survived the day on ice cream, tylenol, advil and antibiotics, until suppertime when i attempted rice, chicken and corn... spent much of the day online playing with facebook and the internet, talked a lot with rediscovered galpal wendy from my early school days... feeling on the upswing through the day, but after supper, pain returned along with swelling; could be a tough day at work tomorrow... picked up lex and brought her to the dentist for her cleaning, then janice brought her to her wrestling meet, where she lost but still did well and gained invaluable experience; janice worked 8-3 today... lex had her guitar lesson and got her report card from school today, which showed mixed results, but she's working on improving and she will by school year's end; she's determined to do better.  on deck:  back to work tomorrow, we'll see how it goes, but wound in my mouth still bleeding a little; janice works kind of a split shift because she has a dentist cleaning of her own.

Janice says:

Interesting kind of day at work. Everybody seemed to be off or something.  As Mike said I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and oh man am I looking forward to that. Mike is doing a lot better than I thought considering what he had done to his jaw. I am sure that I would not have been able to chew on anything at all. On deck for me a weird shift tomorrow. Dentist at 1pm and parent teacher interviews at 7 pm. I am interested to hear what the teacher has to say. I hope Mike has an easy day so as not to cause too much pain in his mouth. I would trade it with him if I could. Time to take meds and off to dream land. Night all.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


got up this morning facing the daunting task of enduring surgery at the orthodontist's in getting a nasty wisdom tooth removed; had an x-ray taken of it first and saw that the thing was nearly completely horizontal!  resulted in heavy freezing, lots of sawing a drilling and breaking the tooth apart in order to get it out in pieces; no fun at all, but, painless at the time and it's done... came home and as my mouth thawed, the pain set in in spades; was prescribed tylenol 3 and told to alternate with advil along with antibiotics for both my sinus infection and to ward off infection from my visit to the doc's... eating was a challenge; had soup and any suction at all through my mouth kills, so i had to pour the soup in my mouth from an angle with a spoon; interesting... stormy weather cancelled school today, so lex was home, and janice worked 3-9; both took very good care of me - i'm extremely lucky to have my family i have... watched 'wwe raw' tonight with sweety until janice got back from work; waiting a few more minutes to take my next dose of meds before drifting off; calling off work tomorrow for one more day to recoup... ac/dc announced today for august 7, a thursday; not interested.  on deck:  staying immobile so as not to make the blood flow too fast just yet, bringing lexy to her cleaning at the dentist, janice is working day shift tomorrow, 'survivor' tomorrow night.

Janice says:  

It has been a tough day for Mike, and I am going to make sure he is a good boy or he will have to deal with the wrath of me.  I am not going to let him do anything at all tomorrow either. What a day, more of the white stuff.  I am so fed up of snow and winter. Someone had better tell mother nature that spring is here and snow is not on the order.  Lex has another wrestling meet tomorrow.  I will bring her to it while Mike stays home. Let's hope she does as well as she did on the last one.  Off to bed and make sure Mike is all tucked in as snug as a bug in a rug.


Monday, March 23, 2009


work today was a challenge because the headache that will not go away seems to have taken up permanent residence with me; janice put in her 13 hour shift, and i brought her some soup, a roll and donut with tea from tims for lunch... my headache became so unbearable toward the end of my shift i considered leaving early; stuck it out, and came home to research sinusitis, discovered all my symptoms match it, and that the brain can become infected (!!) if untreated; called janice to help to make an appointment; saw the doc tonight and she agreed, sinus infection; taking amoxacillin (sp?) and nasanex for awhile... laid down at the house here after visiting janice for a bit and picking up my prescription; janice came home and we watched '24' which is getting better every week, with 'battlestar' now gone, is the best show on tv... lexy lost $40 she earned over the last few days at school due to careless misplacement - hard lesson to learn; snow is falling in the waning minutes of the day as i type this.  on deck:  a day off tomorrow, but a wisdom tooth is coming out tomorrow morning.  lots of r&r after that as i try to let the antibiotics take effect.

Janice says:  

If I could take the  headache away I would, but the antibiotics should start working in a day or so. What a day. I do not want to have to do those too often I tell you.  Lexy had a hard time telling me about the money and, well... I told her next time to listen to me when I say to put her money away. It is a hard pill to swallow. We have all been in that boat at one time or another. I work tomorrow night, so I can bring Mike to the dentist in  the morning.  I bet he is looking forward to that.  After I will bring him home to tuck him in for lots of r&r.  Looks like we may be going to Watchmen on the weekend with Cindy.  I can not wait. 


Sunday, March 22, 2009


got up this morning with relative ease and got decked out for church, where i had the duty of saying the first reading, a very long one at that; lexy served and janice was out there somewhere by herself looking on from the congregation... came home and took in 'question period', rebooted myself onto facebook with a new account (leaving the old one behind for reasons i'll keep to myself) and got janice fixed up to join me here at ragnar; lex, janice and me took off to the 'y' to throw some basketballs around and play badminton for a bit before heading out to find janice a pair of pants, and lexy got herself a wwe ds videogame; a headache was in full blunt force by the time i got home and i'm getting a little wary as to why i'm getting so many lately... took it easy laying down hoping the headache would pass; watched 'battlestar's finale one more time along with a preceding special that we missed friday - this is a show we're really going to miss, but 'caprica' will start up next january, looking forward to that... watched a fairly lacklustre 'amazing race', then the finale of 'sober house', now we're in bed watching the weather as a late winter storm heads our way.  on deck:  back to work, janice is in for another 13 hour shift 8am-9pm (bring her a tea from tims... she likes x lrg apple cinnamon tea with 3 splenda), whatever else comes our way i guess.  over to janice....

Janice Here...

K i have had it with winter and now we have more of that shit coming. Oh boy can't wait.....    I have a long one tomorrow, as Mike said, and I am hoping that it will be the last but i have my doubts. I guess time will tell. I hope Mike and Lexy come to see me at some time, it makes the time go faster.  I have to agree with Mike on TAR and Survivor, they just are not all that interesting at the moment. Let's hope they pick up. On Deck for tv tomorrow The Jack Bauer Power Hour. Can't wait.


Janice here

I will accept the challenge that he has given me. I hope to see some other people comment. We just got home from the Y and now are relaxing before I have to bring Lexy to catachism. On the tube is a BSG special that we missed the other night when they had the finally. What a drag that BSG will no longer be on. Mike has another head ache and laying down with us beside him. As for tonight more relaxing on tap.


Welcome my co-author

Janice comments on the blog here everytime I post, so I just figure it makes more sense to make her a co-author, since her perspective comes from the same source anyway.  Therefore, please welcome her to Ragnar Station.  


woke up with a bad headache today, though i was still able to get up around noon, which was good; so did the wife... lex was at poley mountain today skiing with george, we went there to get her, and got some of those majorly yummy lil orbitz cinnamon donuts while there; weather today was perfect for skiing, mild weather and sunny... headache persisted through most of the day; we got home from poley and lexy went to babysit at janice's boss's house for the evening, and we took the opportunity to nap, not before janice took it upon herself to shovel the walk outside; the sleep helped us both in a huge way, eliminating both our headaches and refreshing us... made homemade veggie pizza with red onions, black olives, yellow and orange peppers, pineapple and mushrooms with saputo mozzarellisma cheese; was great... watched a bit of tv until we headed upstairs.  on deck:  got a reading to do at church, possibly some 'y' activities, going to pete's to gt some music ideas together, lex has catechism tomorrow night.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


not a bad sleep last night just not enough; janice took on the duties of getting our car legal for another year, getting registration and inspection done; work was a bit tough today in that i had to endure some heavy chemicals in the air that brought on a monster headache, not just in me but other workers; walked home from work to clear my head successfully... went to costco to pick up some mozza cheese, choc almonds, plastic wrap and yummy fiery salsa tortilla chips from herr's; dropped into co op to pick up some things to make a veggie pizza with homemade crust that we'll have saturday... george picked up lex tonight to bring her skiing saturday, and we pick her up at poley mountain at around 4 to bring her home to babysit for janice's boss in the nighttime... watched the 'battlestar' finale tonight with janice, kind of a mixed reception between us, feeling that it's still incomplete and confusing, to say the least.  on deck:  a day off for janice and me both (she feels better and is steadily improving btw), off to the ski hill to pick up lex, not much else planned.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


slept a little better last night, but janice is having a very rough time with her flu - her glands are so swollen that it hurts for her to turn her neck; she's on antibiotics... didn't feel great today, stomach-wise; had sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub from subway and went downhill from there, but i'm suspicious of vitamins i'm taking; might halt them for a bit... took a brief break at work to bring lexy and her friend courtney and janice to magnetic hill school for lexy's wrestling meet, she won one and lost one against a far bigger girl i hear; in other words, she did very well... the three of us went to kfc to get a few snack wraps, which were really good i'm surprised to say, and went to see 'coraline' in 3D since janice didn't see it yet; i was very impressed at how 3D tech has come along; janice loved the show and we loved it again... no 'survivor' tonight, we forgot it was on last night this week, probably just a clip show anyway... saw a 'for sale' sign at the old 136 house, where i grew up and spent the first 27 years of my life; sent out that tidbit to family.  on deck:  TGIF, big time.  so tired from a rotten week of sleep and wrecked stomach.  janice getting rest to get over her illness.  finale of 'battlestar'.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


another lousy sleep, apparently last night i was cutting my own cords according to the wife; felt like crap last night going to bed with wicked heartburn, woke up with the same feeling, dealt with it throughout the day; work was a regular day, lighthearted but dull sometimes due to slow business... brought janice soup and tea from tim hortons for lunch because of her illness; she had more than a 102 temperature last night and it was up again today, she had the shakes and tired muscles, but worked through it; took care of her last night and again today... still have that heartburn feeling despite having taken tagamet and being careful with diet, not sure what to think... brought lex to guitar lesson, did a small bit of grocery shopping, brought janice to a clinic and she has an infection in her eustacian tubes, prescribed antibiotics, might possibly have mono (!)... heated up some chunky soup for us tonight for supper, taking care of things while i order janice to be immobile; plans to see 'coraline' in 3d on the shelf until we're feeling a bit healthier.  on deck:  lex has a wrestling tournament, her first, tomorrow; janice works 8-2:30, and is bringing lex to the wt; survivor tomorrow, but no blog - quit it; possibly see 'coraline' tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


rough sleep again last night, five hours; slogged through the day... janice had it far worse, bearing the onslaught of the flu with congestion and aches invading her whole body; she worked anyway, and for 11 hours... lex took in a wrestling tournament experience to prepare for her own on thursday... came down with the trots tonight, likely from overdoing milk products today and not having digestive enzymes because we'd ran out; janice got home from work and i went into nurse mode taking care of her; she has a fever to go with the other fun stuff... watched 'raw' from last night and made way upstairs; gene simmons family jewels on now, news, then z's.  on deck:  just work and taking it easy afterward.

Monday, March 16, 2009


rotten sleep last night, janice having...let's call it wood-cutting issues; breathe right strips not always effective.  had a ton of nightmares... work was fairly uneventful, another sort-of run in with a coworker; the days aren't really stress free anymore like I used to boast, but manageable... drove geraldine home again today; after work picked up groceries to make broccoli casserole and homemade veggie pizza on wednesday; casserole turned out fantastic, tried a few things with it that really worked out... janice worked another 11 hour shift today... lex had wrestling practice and wrestled 'a dude', held her own in a draw; beginning to make progress on guitar... zapping facebook membership tomorrow, re-joining at another time probably.  on deck:  lex has a wrestling tournament she has to observe before her own later this week, janice has another 11 hr marathon, not much else.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


woke up late today, had to stay home because lex was being brought home from st john due to george not feeling great, so we had to forego church while we awaited her arrival... janice, lex and me went to the y today and took part in family open gym, shooting baskets and playing badminton while janice refreshed on her tkd forms; went to wal mart after that and got lex some new sneakers and i got my classic maltesers... janice washed the car and we came home; made poutines for us before lex took off for catechism; picked her up and went to reids newsstand and ran into pete, we discussed what to do next saturday for music; picked up a copy of entertainment weekly, ran into a friend working there and heard words that made feel very old, quite seriously... tar was on when i got home but can't shake this feeling old, between what she said and then my daughter sticking up for her; but i read too much into that as always... read my magazine, now here i am in bed with janice in the waning hours of the day.  on deck:  contemplating getting rid of facebook, back to work, janice working till 7, typical monday blues.


got up early Saturday morning to meet george to pick up alexandra for a ski day, plus had to deal with the bell service guy coming to the house; nothing got done, we're going to give our final notice to express vu to take their equipment and shove it up their fuckin' asses; we'll deal with rogers, the lesser of the two evils, if you can believe that... janice worked 8-1, then we bought some six pack pepsi 710ml at sdm for $2.50 (all week); came home, ate and hit the road to halifax armed with a google map this time to imax for 'watchmen'; got there without a hitch, ate our first sub at quizno's, a turkey sub which was excellent - we'll get it again, that good; walked back to the theatre in plenty of time before showtime, but it was packed anyway; still, found good seats right in the middle. we far, far appreciated this showing of 'watchmen' with the bright, huge colors and screen, blow-you-away sound and most of all, this movie was meant to be seen multiple times, and we were nearly moved to tears at some scenes the second time seeing. movie of the year... drive home was swift and devoid of problems, got home by midnight, watched snl a bit and went to sleep. got a call from lex while we were on the road home from hlfx, sweet to hear her as we missed her. we were invited to rick's for wings with roy and may on hand too but had plans for the movie. on deck: to the y for family gym, lex has catechism tonight, TAR tonight as well as the entertaining 'sober house'.

Friday, March 13, 2009


watching battlestar right now, will type between commercials... rough sleep last night, kind of rough at work with a heavy duty toothache, enough to make me come home at 9:30 this morning for tylenol #1 which provided much needed relief; was taken aback today somewhat by unforeseen comments from a coworker; no good at all at handling that stuff... drove geraldine home and gave rodney a lift to sdm, picked up janice and came home to lexy where we toiled a bit trying to get my ipod shuffle to work, and failed; headed out to wal mart to return ips and was told to consult apple; went to costco to get new sneakers for jan and me and allergy meds for lex; time ran out to make y gym visit... had ceasar salad for supper, and here we are.  on deck:  watchmen in imax in halifax for 6:30 show, lex goes skiing and stays over at george and cindy's, janice works short shift 9-1.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


what a cold day it was today.  windy and freezing, a far cry from two days ago.  woke up today with a decent sleep; janice used a new size of breathe right strip and it did much better helping her breathe... work was good, as usual.  darren was better today.  was told by the boss that now i have the option for work health benefits, which i'll pass on because we're covered thru janice's.  was told i'm doing a fantastic job and they hope i stay there a long time.  nice getting respect and recognition... picked up wifey, went to costco, got buffalo chicken pizza (very good), herr's fiery salsa tortilla chips (very good again), caesar salad for tomorrow's veggie day and e.d. smith strawberry jam... hit the gym with janice to do cardio, met up with lisa who looks wildly hot and fit for her new bf.  janice is very excited at the prospect of getting a taekwondo class going at the 'y' with help from lisa and to a lesser extent me.  she's looking into it, and people at the y are very interested... a kent home for us?  looking into that too... survivor was kind of sucky tonight, did the blog for it... lexy doing very well with her wrestling at school, was told she's 'the most aggressive on her team'!  BOO-ya.... on deck:  back to the 'y' for more cardio and tkd recon, battlestar finale (?), weekday winddown.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


reasonable sleep last night, but short; warm day yesterday but cooled off a lot today; snow and very cold rain... janice worked 2-9:30, brought her supper of salad and rotisserie chicken; brought lex to guitar lesson, she did her homework and i stayed with janice for a bit at her work... darren was out of sorts at work today, understandably; karen's daughter in hospital one more day but progressing, almost out of the woods... pal cindy picked up watchmen book at janice's work today, looking forward to seeing movie second time... talked tonight on facebook messenger with danny, shirley, lisa and natalie, shared lots of memories and heart to hearts and 'guy talk'.  on deck:  survivor blog, back to the 'y' gym and whatever comes our way.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


janice got through her marathon 13 hour shift today, pretty weary now that it's done, God bless her; i brought her a 12 incher... subway veggie sub, and some macadamia nut cookies and ice tea... very slow day at work today as one of the machines broke down, making for hectic work now the rest of the week; karen is back, her child has pneumonia AND asthma, her and her hubby taking turns being with their daughter; darren got his insurance check; lex and me watched wwe raw tonight; waiting to see improvement in her school marks after tv and computer privileges were taken away last week... sunny and warm today, enough to take break in the car instead of lunchroom.  on deck:  another evening shift for janice, back to the y gym thursday, got march 24 off for wisdom tooth removal.

Monday, March 9, 2009


bit tough getting up this morning after a rough sleep, went to bed last night going over the 'watchmen' book and recalling the movie - very, very close adaptation.... work was good today; pretty typical day; gave geraldine a drive home again, saw robert - a bit banged up after his seizure, but recovering well, not back to work yet; karen missing today, her child has pneumonia; lex made supper tonight in the form of chicken nuggets, veggies and sidekicks, all by herself, and a great job; janice had a reasonable day, but she's very tired, passed out on the couch tonight - she has a 12 hour shift ahead of her tomorrow, will bring her treats and meals and company tomorrow; my cold is finally with one foot out the door; ready for '24' tonight, five minutes from the time i type this, then bed.  on deck:  janice's marathon shift, work, and a day with an empty schedule.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


lost an hour's sleep last night, officially getting to sleep handy for 4am, waking at 10 for church, where Janice did Eucharistic service and Lex served; met up with Rick and May for the service and heard a great sermon from father whatshisname (not Carroll)... headed to tim hortons for a treat after mass, in retrospect feel i was too hard on Lexy about eating habits... took a nap in the aft, while Janice made fish and chips for supper for the three of us; woke up and we ate, watched 'Shrek' on dvd and headed out to bro Rick's to bring wine bottles to get filled with some he's making for us and give monetary compensation which they wouldn't accept; was a nice visit, albeit short... spoke to pal Tim on the phone for a bit today and caught up on things; will probably see him and his wife at the KISS show in halifax this summer... watched 'battlestar' tonight, followed by 'amazing race' and the surprisingly good 'celebrity sober house'... on deck:  lex is back to school tomorrow after march break; we're back to work; look forward to '24' tomorrow night and 'wwe raw' is picking up steam for wrestlemania in april.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


woke up around 10:30 this morning, reasonable sleep; surfed the net a bit before getting out of bed; read roger ebert's reviews for 'watchmen'; he says it's a four star movie that's even better in imax... lex and me headed out to tim hortons to pick up a tea and soup for janice, who worked today 9-5; at 3 lex and i headed over to my friend pete's place, where i recorded some drum ideas for songs we're going to put together for a project that's ongoing that'll be different to say the least... went to costco for wings and a snowboard, superstore on trinity for a fruitless mission and to walmart for a few things and headed back and picked up janice and lex where they shopped to take advantage of a 20x optimum points event; came home and had wings, lex watched 'madagascar 2', we took her to the dollar store then came home and watched 'kung fu panda'... makeover time tonight as i'll be shaving the beard and head and doing some trimming for the spring look; losing an hour tonight... on deck:  church in the morning, maybe seeing bro rick and looking forward to seeing battlestar galactica as the show winds down to the last few episodes.

Friday, March 6, 2009


tough time getting up this morning after crazy sleep with absolutely bonkers, and vivid, dream... geraldine missing at work as well as robert, she has stomach flu, me next?? gave her drive home yesterday... darren proving to be very efficient and valuable co-worker, coping well with tragedy... lex has courtney over tonight, had domino's veggie pizza, watched movies while janice and i went to see 'watchmen'; BLOWN AWAY, will see it again; at nearly 3 hours long, gave meaning to the term 'bladder buster'... discovered via mail today that my $1200 tax refund is actually $54 debt, after research discovered i was screwed by last employer--i won't forgive anytime soon this family member.  on deck:  lex has ymca stuff; visiting bro rick hopefully for wine compensation; janice working til 5.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


tough getting out of bed today, benylin 1 knocked me out cold last night. good sleep though. concerned about janice's erratic breathing patterns... she worked 9-4 today... had usual decent shift; geraldine back, no car, offered her a drive to her bank and to her home in pinetree on elmwood drive; late picking up janice & lex; went straight to hospital for blood tests for me and x-rays; five vials for rheumatology scan and x-rays for wrists and hands. supper tonight was goulash with fried potatoes, red onions, garlic seasoning, turkey pepperoni (red meat is out for Lent) and corn with hot sauce... surprisingly good. got watchmen movie tickets for tomorrow night; madagascar 2 and kung fu panda for kids at blockbuster; watched survivor and typed blog during; ready for bed now. on deck: watchmen at 6:30, time with lex and court, r&r after tough week with stubborn cold.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


slow day at work; sunny but cold; driveway like a block of ice. robert and geraldine MIA at the plant; better diet today than yesterday, which was a hot chocolate breakfast, chicken sandwich lunch, vachon cake break in the aft and timbits for supper, with a frozen dinner and 2 brownies as the nightcap; cold wreaking havoc still; yummy supper today, chicken baked potatoes and veggies; janice worked 1-9, 9:38 now and she's still not home; she's scheduled for 61 hours next week, unacceptable!!!; partially convinced galpal cindy to read watchmen; nosebleed all day, headache ensued, subsided some; lexy having humdrum march break, hopefully fix on the weekend and have courtney over.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


cold day, ice in the driveway from freezing rain last night; car stuck in the driveway, was slightly late for work; janice working 2-9; lex on march break, bringing her to 'coraline' movie tonight; stubborn cold really affecting mood lately.  watchmen movie friday.  u2 on letterman all week this week; recording it, picking up cd wednesday while lex takes guitar lesson.